My Name is not Nintendo!

My Name is not Nintendo!

Taking the time to learn about and understand a person, who they are and  what they are about would go along way to demonstrate your love and care for another. Mistakes of course do happen and many will be genuine. There are others though that are generated out of a lack of care. Only the person involved would know.  We should strive to walk in alignment with our values and intent and in so doing, enable others and indeed ourselves to thrive. 

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You can count on me. Not!

You can count on me. Not!

With each broken promise or agreement regardless of context, we say by our actions to those with whom we made the agreement that they do not matter.   We tell them my “face” matters more than you; my own needs are greater than yours; my word means nothing.   The fact too is that we send the same message to ourselves.  

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